VM Template Setup Fedora
This page describes what I do to setup a "gold master" template of Linux virtual machine (VM) running on VMware Server. The example is based on Fedora 7 but is mostly applicable to other Linux distributions.
Create a new VM called fedora of
- Type Linux 2.6
- Use a 8-12GB disk (do not preallocate or split)
- Use an LSI Logic SCSI controller
- 1024MB RAM(1)
(1) Since this will affect the size of the swap partition, so you may want to adjust that upwards for future clones.
Install operating system.
I typically use the "boot" ISO which means just enough to get the box on the network and finish the package installation using HTTP/FTP or whatever.
Next, reboot and update all the software.
yum update
Install some other bits
yum install sudo sysstat gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel
Add any base users you want to exist in future clones. I use Justin Case (justincase) but this could just be a real person too.
adduser justincase password justincase
Now, add the user(s) to the wheel group in /etc/group and uncomment this line in /etc/sudoers
Adjust grub timeout (in /etc/grub.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst) to 12s
Adjust kernel options...
- add clock=pit or clocksource=acpi_pm divider=10
- add noacpi
Now reboot especially if a newer kernel was installed above.
We're going to load the vmware-tools now. To do this needs a virtual CDROM Right-click on the VM and choose "Install VMware Tools" from the menu
On fedora, CDROM appears under /misc/cd but only with autofs running
/etc/init.d/autofs start ls /misc/cd rpm -ivh /misc/cd/VMwareTools-1.0.4-56528.i386.rpm vmware-config-tools.pl
This should result in vmxnet and other drivers being compiled and/or loaded. Reboot and verify vmxnet is loaded (and not pcnet32)
lsmod | egrep 'vmxnet|pcnet32'
Disable unnecessary services Fedora
for s in atd auditd avahi-daemon bluetooth cpuspeed cups firstboot gpm hplip ip6tables iptables isdn kudzu mcstrans pcscd sendmail setroubleshoot smartd xfs yum-updatesd; do /sbin/chkconfig ${s} off /etc/init.d/${s} stop done
Optional stuff
Remove sendmail, install postfix
rpm -e --nodeps sendmail yum install postfix
Disable selinux
vim /etc/selinux/config ( set SELINUX=disabled )
Remove older kernels
rpm -e kernel-2.6.21-1.3194.fc7
Final Steps: cleanup & storage
rm -f /etc/ssh/*host* rm -f /var/lib/dhcp*/*leases* yum clean all /sbin/shutdown -h now
Right-click the VM template name and choose Remove from Inventory
Then I tar up the VM into a compressed tarball for future cloning.
cd /opt/vm/ mkdir -p templates cd vmname tar cjvf ../templates/vmname.tbz2 *vmx *vmdk cd .. rm -rf vmname chmod a-w templates/vmname.tbz2
It can be cloned/deployed like so
cd /opt/vm mkdir newvm cd newvm tar xjvf ../templates/vmname.tbz2
Then use vmware-server-console application to "Open" the corresponding vmx file.
Removing/disabling the boot-time software above saves 50M off the memory footprint (180M -> 130M) on Fedora.
Compressing the template reduces disk usage from 3.4G to 1.2G on Fedora.