Bandwidth Calculations

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Some bandwidth calculations for reference. Using 1000 as divisor for simplicity. Usable bandwidth probably about 90%?

Network Type GB/s Gb/s MB/s Mb/s KB/s Kb/s
10 Gigabit (Wired) 1.250 GB/s 10 Gb/s 1,250 MB/s 10,000 Mb/s 1,250,000 KB/s 10,000,000 Kb/s
1 Gigabit (Wired) 0.125 GB/s 1 Gb/s 125 MB/s 1,000 Mb/s 125,000 KB/s 1,000,000 Kb/s
100 Megabit (Wired) 0.0125 GB/s 0.1 Gb/s 12.5 MB/s 100 Mb/s 12,500 KB/s 100,000 Kb/s
10 Megabit (Wired) 0.00125 GB/s 0.01 Gb/s 1.25 MB/s 10 Mb/s 1,250 KB/s 10,000 Kb/s
54 Megabit (Wireless 802.11g) 0.00675 GB/s 0.054 Gb/s 6.75 MB/s 54 Mb/s 6750 KB/s 54,000 Kb/s
11 Megabit (Wireless 802.11b) 0.001375 GB/s 0.011 Gb/s 1.375 MB/s 11 Mb/s 1375 KB/s 11,000 Kb/s
0 Megabit () 0 GB/s 0 Gb/s 0 MB/s 0 Mb/s 0 KB/s 0 Kb/s