Debian Backporting
This page describes step-by-step how to make a backport package for Debian and Ubuntu.
(Ubuntu uses Debian's package format).
Please read Debian Packaging first!
This page explains how to build a "backport" on Ubuntu Hardy of the imaginary package called package-1.2.3.
- Setup the build server requirements
sudo aptitude install build-essential automake gnupg lintian fakeroot \ pbuilder dput cdbs dh-make dpatch sudo pbuilder create [--distribution distro]
- Visit the Ubuntu packages page and search for package name
- Find the package you want to backport (hint: use the search form)
- Drill down and find the links on the right-hand side of the page for the file ending in .dsc
dget -x <url>
On newer versions i.e. Jaunty add -u
This will pull down the deps and extract it all for you. Next, modify the debian/changelog for your "new" version cd package-1.2.3/debian/ dch -i
add changelog entry, with appropriate changes...
(Note that -hardy1 was appended to version and release changed to hardy-backports)
cd .. dpkg-buildpackage -S -us -uc -rfakeroot
now we have package-1.2.3-hardy1.dsc in directory below
Next ensure your .dsc will compile
cd .. sudo pbuilder build package-1.2.3-hardy1.dsc
If all goes well, you'll have a .deb file (package) in the folder /var/cache/pbuilder/result/
This you can install here and elsewhere, drop into a repo, upload to PPA (Launchpad) etc. Of course, you need to build a signed-source package for PPA, so add -kXXXXXXXX to the dpkg-buildpackage command above for that.