Typically a component of OpenVPN, this is a command-line management suite for working with X.509 certificates.
WARNING! This page is a work in progress by --fostermarkd 12:15, 27 August 2008 (PDT)
I intend to complete some remaining details. This effort is tied to https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/improve-ssl-cert
Getting started
These are the steps to get the easy-rsa components onto an Ubuntu system.
aptitude install openvpn
Note: this gets the easy-rsa components
sudo mkdir /etc/pkitool sudo chown mdf /etc/pkitool
Note: what user would normally own this folder?
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0" cd /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/ cp whichopensslcnf vars openssl.cnf /etc/pkitool/
Now edit the files vars and openssl.cnf in /etc/pkitool Note, this is where you set some reasonable defaults for subsequent CA operations. See Appendix B for an example patchfile showing changes I made.
Now we can leverage the pkitool script to handle many tasks.
Appendix A. pkitool usage
Usage: pkitool [options...] [common-name] Options: --batch : batch mode (default) --keysize : Set keysize size : size (default=1024) --interact : interactive mode --server : build server cert --initca : build root CA --inter : build intermediate CA --pass : encrypt private key with password --csr : only generate a CSR, do not sign --sign : sign an existing CSR --pkcs12 : generate a combined PKCS#12 file --pkcs11 : generate certificate on PKCS#11 token lib : PKCS#11 library slot : PKCS#11 slot id : PKCS#11 object id (hex string) label : PKCS#11 object label Standalone options: --pkcs11-slots : list PKCS#11 slots lib : PKCS#11 library --pkcs11-objects : list PKCS#11 token objects lib : PKCS#11 library slot : PKCS#11 slot --pkcs11-init : initialize PKCS#11 token DANGEROUS!!! lib : PKCS#11 library slot : PKCS#11 slot label : PKCS#11 token label Notes: Please edit the vars script to reflect your configuration, then source it with "source ./vars". Next, to start with a fresh PKI configuration and to delete any previous certificates and keys, run "./clean-all". Finally, you can run this tool (pkitool) to build certificates/keys. In order to use PKCS#11 interface you must have opensc-0.10.0 or higher. Generated files and corresponding OpenVPN directives: (Files will be placed in the $KEY_DIR directory, defined in ./vars) ca.crt -> root certificate (--ca) ca.key -> root key, keep secure (not directly used by OpenVPN) .crt files -> client/server certificates (--cert) .key files -> private keys, keep secure (--key) .csr files -> certificate signing request (not directly used by OpenVPN) dh1024.pem or dh2048.pem -> Diffie Hellman parameters (--dh) Examples: pkitool --initca -> Build root certificate pkitool --initca --pass -> Build root certificate with password-protected key pkitool --server server1 -> Build "server1" certificate/key pkitool client1 -> Build "client1" certificate/key pkitool --pass client2 -> Build password-protected "client2" certificate/key pkitool --pkcs12 client3 -> Build "client3" certificate/key in PKCS#12 format pkitool --csr client4 -> Build "client4" CSR to be signed by another CA pkitool --sign client4 -> Sign "client4" CSR pkitool --inter interca -> Build an intermediate key-signing certificate/key Also see ./inherit-inter script. pkitool --pkcs11 /usr/lib/pkcs11/lib1 0 010203 "client5 id" client5 -> Build "client5" certificate/key in PKCS#11 token Typical usage for initial PKI setup. Build myserver, client1, and client2 cert/keys. Protect client2 key with a password. Build DH parms. Generated files in ./keys : [edit vars with your site-specific info] source ./vars ./clean-all ./build-dh -> takes a long time, consider backgrounding ./pkitool --initca ./pkitool --server myserver ./pkitool client1 ./pkitool --pass client2 Typical usage for adding client cert to existing PKI: source ./vars ./pkitool client-new
Appendix B. configuration changes to var
Intended as a starting point. Specifically, the KEY_* variables really need extra scrutiny.
--- /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/vars 2008-01-23 13:08:38.000000000 -0800 +++ vars 2008-08-27 12:24:27.491025700 -0700 @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # This variable should point to # the top level of the easy-rsa # tree. -export EASY_RSA="`pwd`" +export EASY_RSA="/etc/pkitool" # # This variable should point to @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export CA_EXPIRE=3650 # In how many days should certificates expire? -export KEY_EXPIRE=3650 +export KEY_EXPIRE=730 # These are the default values for fields # which will be placed in the certificate. @@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ export KEY_COUNTRY="US" export KEY_PROVINCE="CA" export KEY_CITY="SanFrancisco" -export KEY_ORG="Fort-Funston" -export KEY_EMAIL="me@myhost.mydomain" +export KEY_ORG="Snake-Oil, LLC" +export KEY_EMAIL="me@example.com"