Keep your system updated
FreeBSD is fundamentally divided into the "base" (aka world) and "ports", so keeping the ENTIRE system updated means dealing with both of them.
This utility keeps your base system updated using binary updates. In a nutshell...
sudo freebsd-update fetch sudo freebsd-update install sudo reboot
If you're running 9.2-RELEASE it will track you to -p1, -p2 and so on. If you want to jump to a newer major release that can be specified using the -r X.Y-RELEASE.
sudo freebsd-update -r 10.2-RELEASE upgrade
For more details see the handbook @
sudo pkg install packagename sudo pkg upgrade [packagename]
Without argument, upgrade will attempt to upgrade all currently-installed packages.
This is fairly simple two-step process to keep the ports tree updated
sudo portsnap fetch sudo portsnap update
Once your ports tree is sync-up you case use utilities like portmaster and portaudit to check & fix the outdated ports you have installed.
This is a great package auditor which will tell you which software ports installed on your local system have been identified as vulnerable or exploitable.
sudo pkg_add -r portaudit sudo portaudit -Fa
However, portaudit is getting replaced by pkg-audit] . Also, portaudit won't help you identify local base vulnerabilities, you'll want to subscribe to the mailing list for that, and use freebsd-update regularly.
Written by Doug Barton, portmaster is a shell script that handles port updates in a similar fashion as portupgrade but without so many dependencies (e.g. ruby).
# portmaster -p security/clamav
Another incantation lets you update all your ports in one fell swoop.
# portmaster -a
There are many other options so read the man page: [1]
Other Tips
creating packages
Building ports is fine for solitary systems, but what about when you have a multitude of FreeBSD systems that need a particular port? Time to build a package!
First create the folder where the packages will land.
mkdir -p /usr/ports/packages/All
Next, choose a package to build. The following will do that and also build all of it's dependent packages.
cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/net-snmp make package-recursive
Distributing the packages is another matter, but something like NFS would suffice
Creating new vuxml entries
portaudit relies on a vuxml database to parse vulnerable software. The vuxml port (security/vuxml) is where these entries are tracked. See
Beginners may want to try the VUXML wizard.
Adding a new vulnerability to the database involves the following steps. Make sure your sources are up-to-date (see below).
cd /usr/ports/security/vuxml cp vuln.xml vuln.xml.old make newentry
This will open up your editor, vuxml file loaded and a blank (skeleton) entry towards the top.
<vuxml xmlns=""> <vuln vid="3dbc7f9f-be26-11dc-b3e8-000c291c2ba7"> <topic> -- </topic> <affects> <package> <name></name> <range><lt></lt></range> </package> </affects> <description> <body xmlns=""> <p>SO-AND-SO reports:</p> <blockquote cite="INSERT URL HERE"> <p>.</p> </blockquote> </body> </description> <references> </references> <dates> <discovery>2008-01-FIXME</discovery> <entry>2008-01-08</entry> </dates> </vuln>
Then you can edit the entry to fill in the blanks, so to speak. This step-by-step example is based on the maradns DOS vulnerability reported 2008-01-08.
<topic>MaraDNS -- Denial of Service Vulnerability</topic>
Use the topic style of portname -- reason
<affects> <package> <name>maradns</name> <range><lt></lt></range> <range><lt>1.0.41</lt></range> </package> </affects>
Specify the package name (as found below /usr/ports/category/) and the version(s) that fix the problem, inside of lt tags which stands for less-than. Variations include le for less-than-or-equal-to, and ge for greater-than-or-equal-to. Use multiple <range></range> containers when necessary.
<description> <body xmlns=""> <p>MaraDNS reports:</p> <blockquote cite="" > <p> The good news is that it only took me about 15 minutes to find and reproduce the bug that was causing the improper resource record rotation. The bad news is that the bug that causes the rotation is one that enables a remote denial of service. </p> </blockquote> </body> </description>
Enter a paraphrased or quoted description from the announcement. If possible include the source URL in the cite=.
<references> <cvename>CVE-2008-0061</cvename> <url></url> </references>
Add any references. CVE references should be contained in a <cvename></cvename>. Otherwise, URLs can be put inside of <url></url>
<dates> <discovery>2008-01-08</discovery> <entry>2008-01-08</entry> </dates>
Fix up the discovery date - use today's date!
Validate the XML syntax
make validate >>> Validating... /usr/local/bin/xmllint --valid --noout /usr/ports/security/vuxml/vuln.xml >>> Successful.
Now generate a patch file using diff and submit using send-pr(1).
diff -u vuln.xml.old vuln.xml > vuln.xml.patch1 send-pr -a vuln.xml.patch1
For the PR, add Cc: and Cc:, choose Category: ports and Subject: vuxml update for security vulnerability: ports:portname.
make world (build & install world)
(Caution: this is not the preferred way, use freebsd-update method above unless you have a good reason).
After your sources are updated, the sequence for upgrading world is:
- make buildworld
- make buildkernel
- make installkernel
- reboot (use boot -s to go into single-user runlevel)
- mergemaster -p
- make installworld
- mergemaster -U
- reboot
Using gmirror for RAID
See this article for a great explanation of how to set this up.
For a recovery situation (when a disk fails), see this article.
Install 4.11 RELEASE under vmware-server using floppies and FTP
Go to
Save kern.flp and mfsroot.flp to your /var/vm/VMNAME/ folder (possible mkdir).
Using vmware-server-console, create a new VMNAME with 8GB disk using IDE drives. Attach kern.flp to the floppy drive. Boot, and when prompted reassign mfsroot.flp to the floppy and press enter. Partition the disk (see article above). When prompted for source, choose FTP site and specify the following:
log connections to closed ports, watch for port scanning and stuff
sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.log_in_vain=1 sysctl -w net.inet.udp.log_in_vain=1
How to add an ip alias address on FreeBSD
host1# ifconfig fxp0 alias netmask 0xffffffff or netmask #use netmask of if on same network as existing ip/device
How to remove an alias address on FreeBSD
host1# ifconfig fxp0 -alias
Periodic scripts
control with /etc/periodic.conf to suppress email output...use logging instead
cp /etc/defaults/periodic.conf /etc/periodic.conf # change daily_output="root" to daily_output="/var/log/daily.log" and so on.
But on older systems (3.4 etc) there is no mention of periodic.conf, so just tweak the /etc/crontab like so...
59 1 * * * root periodic daily 2>&1 >>/var/log/daily.log 30 3 * * 6 root periodic weekly 2>&1 >>/var/log/weekly.log 30 5 1 * * root periodic monthly 2>&1 >>/var/log/monthly.log
Using pw(8) for user account administration
Use the pw(8) utility to remove users instead of rmuser.
This command will remove the user from /etc/passwd, /etc/master.passwd and /etc/group
pw userdel username
Same as above but will also remove the user's home dirrectory
pw -r userdel username
Expire a user account using pw(8) on freebsd
pw usermod -n username -e 10-10-2001
Unexpire a user account using pw(8) on freebsd
pw usermod -n username -e
Quickly show what services are enabled via inetd
grep -v '^#' /etc/inetd.conf
Hints for binding various network server daemons to a single IP address
If you want to run jails, these are the configuration details for various services to keep them from binding to to the wildcard * (
dovecot - adjust /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf
imap_listen = a.b.c.d #and/or pop3_listen = a.b.c.d
mysqld - adjust in /etc/my.cnf
bind-address = a.b.c.d
sshd - adjust /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ListenAddress a.b.c.d
inetd - adjust /etc/rc.conf
add "-a a.b.c.d" to inetd_flags
exim4 - adjust in /usr/local/etc/exim/configure
local_interfaces = <; ; a.b.c.d
postfix - adjust in /etc/postfix/
inet_interfaces = $myhostname
apache2 - /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
Listen a.b.c.d:80
stunnel - adjust /usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
Adjustment is made in service level configuration
[https] accept = a.b.c.d:443 connect = 80
ntop - adjust /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
http_port='a.b.c.d:portxy' #and/or https_port='a.b.c.d:portyz'
bind (named) - adjust /etc/namedb/named.conf
options { listen-on port 53 { a.b.c.d;; }; query-source address a.b.c.d port 53; };
syslogd - adjust /etc/rc.conf
add either "-ss" and/or "-a a.b.c.d" to syslogd_flags