Delimiter Applications

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This page lists some most of the computer operating systems and applications that I use, require or otherwise recommend. It is quite specific to Linux (Ubuntu) but I break out FreeBSD, Windows etc in their own sections.

See my cheatsheet for some shortcuts to getting these installed.

I've also been using ohloh to keep track of many apps that I use.

Some other goodies can be found here:

Operating systems

Desktop/GUI Applications

Internet Browser


  • Mozilla Thunderbird* blueribbon.png
    • Enigmail* for gpg/pgp encryption support
  • Skype
  • Pidgin for IM & IRC


  • Inkscape - vector illustration
  • QCad - decent CAD program
  • Dia - network diagrams (or LibreDraw)
  • Scribus - page layout ala Pagemaker.


  • sound-juicer & ripperX* - to rip music CDs
  • HandBrake - to rip DVDs and transcode other vids
  • xvidcap* - capture desktop sessions for screencasting (now RecordMyDesktop)
  • audacity blueribbon.png for digital audio manipulation
  • ffmpeg - translate between different video formats
  • hydrogen - electronic drum kit
  • ardour - digital multi-track recorder / sequencer
  • tivodecode - converts recorded .tivo programs to mpeg (not in Ubuntu, but in FreeBSD ports tree)
  • winff - see and
  • soundconverter - nifty little tool to convert ogg to mp3 and other formats


  • TrueCrypt - antiquated & insecure
  • Xca* blueribbon.png - awesome SSL/TLS certificate manager (see my ppa)
  • KeePassX blueribbon.png - password safe
  • Wireshark
  • Sleuthkit
  • MetaSploit
  • Nessus
  • Nmap


  • diffuse & meld - graphical diff s
  • mrxvt - a lightweight terminal emulator for X Window System
    • usual mrxvt incantation: mrxvt -g 84x28 -sr -ss sgi -sl 6000 -ht
  • or (as alternative to above) gnome-terminal --geometry 80x22 --window-with-profile=small
  • or lxterminal
  • xclip
  • LibreOffice suite - spreadsheets, drawings, presentations and documents.
  • Vim*/vi - the old standby text editor which I use 98% of the time.
  • Nedit - another mature and capable text editor
  • Jedit* - a nice editor for coding
  • Bluefish* editor for webpages
  • rdesktop as a RDP client. Reminna sometimes but it's very buggy.
sudo aptitude install diffuse mrxvt xclip vim nedit jedit bluefish rdesktop



Mostly for the kids *wink*

  • pingus
  • supertux
  • supertuxkart
  • planetpenguin-racer
  • neverball
  • neverputt
  • openarena
sudo aptitude install pingus supertux supertuxkart planetpenguin-racer tuxpaint neverball openarena

Desktop/Non-GUI/Server Applications

  • Networking toolset...
    • Openssh
    • Nmap
    • tcpdump
    • lft - layer four traceroute, show whether a specific IP/port/protocol can be opened or why
    • traceroute - traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network
    • mtr - traceroute on steroids
    • vpnc* - VPN client compatible with cisco3000 VPN Concentrator
    • rsync*
    • Unison
    • nc (netcat)
    • ntop
    • cricket &/or mrtg
    • cacti
  • apache
  • arpwatch
  • tcsh*
  • Openssl - particularly the s_client, x509, req and rsa bits.
  • cvs* + cvsspam for detailed commit notifications
  • Keychain* - ssh-key manager
  • Java
  • Samba
  • dnstop*
  • Scavenge*
  • apg* - generates several random passwords
  • Bacula* - what I use as a network backup agent
  • Firefly media server* (aka mt-daapd) for sharing music files on the home network
  • build-essential - enables building (compiling) of 3rd-party apps under [Ubuntu]
  • fuse-utils (for sshfs)
  • monit

Windows-specific Apps

  • Secunia Psi
  • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
  • Putty
  • Network Monitor (netmon) [1]

FreeBSD-specific Applications

Ports/packages (relative to /usr/ports)

  • audio/mt-daapd (M)
  • dns/dnstop (M)
  • dns/scavenge (M)
  • mail/exim
  • multimedia/tivodecode
  • net/iscsi-target (M)
  • net/lft
  • ports-mgmt/portaudit
  • ports-mgmt/portlint
  • ports-mgmt/portmaster
  • ports-mgmt/pkg_cutleaves
  • security/chkrootkit
  • security/nmap
  • security/sudo
  • security/xca (M)
  • sysutils/fastest_cvsup
  • sysutils/lsof
  • sysutils/screen

Notes Apps marked with a * might not come stock, must be installed or possibly even compiled by hand.

All-in-one install command (experimental)

 pkg_add -r mt-daapd dnstop exim scavenge sudo portaudit portlint portmaster pkg_cutleaves \
 iscsi-target lft nmap chkrootkit lsof screen tivodecode

Ports with (M) I maintain (or will soon).


LFNW Game Den

Moved to LFNW Game Den